AP Chem Lesson Plan for Ch. 14 and 15 Acids and Bases


There will be four sets of notes, a video, and problems for each section of these two chapters.

I may be jumping back and forth between the two chapters but I will try to include pages to refer to or read as I am composing the notes.  As you did in the last chapter, it would be best to watch the video for the section, read the notes, then watch the video again. Then, do the assigned problems that go with the section.  The sets of assignments will be due at different times. You will get credit for the section(s) you do and hand in on time.  I am “chunking” the assignments so they don’t seem overwhelming to hand in all at once.  I can also keep check on those who are working on the assignments.


I am posting the first video, “Acids, Bases, and the pH Scale”, along with the first set of notes.  Please do the following problems at the end of Ch.14 in the book: #38, 45, 46, 50, 52, 58, 90, and 94.



****UPDATE – APRIL 5th ****

For Section 2 of the lesson read and study these notes.  Please watch the video “Weak Acids and Weak Bases.”  Then do the following problems for homework: #38, 64, 68, 74, 78, 80, 96, 98 and 102.  The homework will be due by midnight on Wednesday, April 15th.




****UPDATE – APRIL 13th****

Here are the answers to the first group of homework problems: Page 1, Page 2, Page 3.



****UPDATE – APRIL 14th****

For Section 3 of the lesson read and study these notes.  Please watch the video “Acid Base Reactions and Buffers.”  Then do the following problems for homework: #114, 116, 120, 126 and 130.  The homework will be due by midnight on Monday, April 20th.



****UPDATE – APRIL 17th****

Here are the answers to the second group of homework problems: Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4.


****UPDATE – APRIL 19th****

Part I—Structure and It’s Relationship to Acid/Base Strength

Part II—Acid/Base Titrations and Buffer Solutions


This last Set 4 of notes on Acids and Bases will cover the end of Chapter 14 and most of Chapter 15.

Part I includes a Video (Very Important) over “Structural Basis for Acidity “and 4 homework problems: 131, 132, 135, 136.

Part II includes re-watching the video on “Acid/Base Reactions and Buffers”. (I very highly recommend you re-watch the video.) It will also include 7 homework problems, pages 751-752, # 18, 22, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36, and 2 Titration Problems, #58, 59.   Please try to do a few problems a day.  All the homework – for Part 1 and Part 2 is due by midnight on Tuesday, April 28th.


Wednesday, April 29th we will be reviewing for a 2 part A/B Test.  The first part of the test will be due by midnight on Tuesday, May 5th, and the second part of the test will be due by midnight on Thursday, May 7th.


During the weeks of May 4th and May 11th, we will be working on our last Chapter, Thermodynamics.  It is a short and rather “easy” chapter so we should be finished with the chapter by finals.  There will be no test over this Chapter but it will be on the “final”.




****UPDATE – APRIL 21st****

Here are the answers to the third group of homework problems, Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4.




****UPDATE – APRIL 29th****

Here are the answers to the fourth group of homework problems, Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Part 5.


Here is the first part of the two-part test.  This part is due by midnight on Monday, May 4th.




****UPDATE – MAY 1st ****

Here is the second part of the two-part test.  This part is due by midnight on Wednesday, May 6th.






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